################################################################################ # (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1994 through 1999 # All rights reserved. # U.S. GOVERNMENT USERS RESTRICTED RIGHTS - # USE, DUPLICATION OR DISCLOSURE RESTRICTED BY # GSA ADP SCHEDULE CONTRACT WITH IBM CORP. # Licensed Materials-Property of IBM. # # Script Name: addtraps.2210 # # Purpose: Add trap definitions for the traps from the 2210 agent. # These definitions are used for the display and logging of # traps by Netview for AIX. # # When to use: Run this script once at installation time or after any # reinstallation of Netview for AIX (which wipes out the trapd.conf # file). It may take a few minutes to run. Be patient! # # Contents: This script is a series of addtrap commands. They all have # the same format: # # addtrap -n enterpriseName # -l trapLabel # -i enterpriseOID # -g generic trap number # -s specific trap number # -o source id (A = from SNMP agent) # -S severity(0=cleared, 1=Indeterminate, 2=warning, # 3=Minor, 4=Critical, 5=Major) # -t status type(0=Defaults, 1=Unknown, 2=Up, 3=Marginal, # 4=Down, 5=Unmanaged, 6=Acknowledge, # 7=User1, 8=User2) # -c category # -F format (format shown in event cards/list & in log) # -D Description of trap. # # Dependencies: Netview for AIX must be installed and running. # # For more details: See the Netview for AIX Programmer's Reference. # ###################################################################### ctr=1 echo "\n" ################### ELS trap ######################################## /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "ibm2210" \ -l "ibm2210ElsTrap" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 2 \ -o A \ -S 1 \ -t 0 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'IBM 2210 ELS Trap - $1'\ -D 'This trap announces that an Event Logging System (ELS) event occurred. The variable proElsSubSysEventMsg provides a textual description of the event.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### Cold Start trap ################################## /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "ibm2210" \ -l "ibm2210ColdStartTrap" \ -i '' \ -g 0 \ -s 0 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 0 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'IBM 2210 Cold Start Trap'\ -D 'The 2210 has completed initialization after a software reload.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### Warm Start trap ################################## /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "ibm2210" \ -l "ibm2210WarmStartTrap" \ -i '' \ -g 1 \ -s 0 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 0 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'IBM 2210 Warm Start Trap'\ -D 'The 2210 has completed initialization after a system restart.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### Link Down trap ################################## /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "ibm2210" \ -l "ibm2210LinkDownTrap" \ -i '' \ -g 2 \ -s 0 \ -o A \ -S 4 \ -t 0 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'IBM 2210 Link Down Trap \nifIndex = $1'\ -D 'A 2210 interface has transitioned out of the "up" state. The variable ifIndex identifies the interface affected.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### Link Up trap ################################## /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "ibm2210" \ -l "ibm2210LinkUpTrap" \ -i '' \ -g 3 \ -s 0 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 0 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'IBM 2210 Link Up Trap \nifIndex = $1'\ -D 'A 2210 interface has transitioned into the "up" state. The variable ifIndex identifies the interface affected.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### Authentication Failure trap ################################## /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "ibm2210" \ -l "ibm2210AuthenticationFailureTrap" \ -i '' \ -g 4 \ -s 0 \ -o A \ -S 3 \ -t 0 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'IBM 2210 Authentication Failure Trap'\ -D 'A 2210 received an SNMP request that count not be properly authenticated.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### Transparent Bridge New Root Trap ################################## /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "dot1dBridge" \ -l "TransparentBridgeNewRootTrap" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 1 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 0 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'Transparent Bridge New Root Trap'\ -D 'Node has become the new root of the transparent bridge spanning tree.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### Transparent Bridge Topology Change Trap ################################## /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "dot1dBridge" \ -l "TransparentBridgeTopologyChangeTrap" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 2 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 0 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'Transparent Bridge Topology Change Trap'\ -D 'Transparent bridge spanning tree has undergone a topology change.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### Frame Relay DLCI State Change Trap ################################## /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "frame-relay" \ -l "FrameRelayDLCIStateChangeTrap" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 1 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 0 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'Frame Relay DLCI State Change \nfrCircuitIfIndex = $1 \nfrCircuitDlci = $2 \nfrCircuitState = $3'\ -D 'A frame relay virtual circuit state has changed.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### SDLC Port Status Change Trap ################################## /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "sdlcTraps" \ -l "SDLCPortStatusChangeTrap" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 1 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 0 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'SDLC Port Status Change \nifIndex = $1 \nifAdminStatus = $2 \nifOperStatus = $3 \nsdlcPortOperLastFailTime = $4 \nsldcPortOperLastFailCause = $5'\ -D 'An SDLC port has transitioned to active or inactive.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### SDLC Link Station Status Change Trap ################################## /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "sdlcTraps" \ -l "SDLCLSStatusChangeTrap" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 2 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 0 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'SDLC Link Station Status Change \nifIndex = $1 \nsdlcLSAddress = $2 \nsdlcLSOperState = $3 \nsdlcLSAdminState = $4 \nsdlcLSOperLastFailTime = $5 \nsdlcLSOperLastFailCause = $6'\ -D 'An SDLC link station has transitioned to contacted or discontacted.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### X.25 Restart Trap ################################## /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "x25" \ -l "X25RestartTrap" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 1 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 0 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'X.25 Restart \nx25OperIndex = $1'\ -D 'An X.25 PLE has sent or received a restart packet.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### X.25 Reset Trap ################################## /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "x25" \ -l "X25ResetTrap" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 2 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 0 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'X.25 Reset \nx25CircuitIndex = $1 \nx25CircuitChannel = $2'\ -D 'An X.25 PLE has sent or received a reset packet.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### IPX Circuit Down ################################## /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "ipxTraps" \ -l "IPXCircuitDownTrap" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 1 \ -o A \ -S 4 \ -t 0 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'IPX Circuit Down \nipxCircSysInstance = $1 \nipxCircIndex = $2'\ -D 'An IPX circuit has transitioned to the "down" state.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### IPX Circuit Up ################################## /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "ipxTraps" \ -l "IPXCircuitUpTrap" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 2 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 0 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'IPX Circuit Up \nipxCircSysInstance = $1 \nipxCircIndex = $2'\ -D 'An IPX circuit has transitioned to the "up" state.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### BGP Peer Connection Established Trap #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "bgptraps" \ -l "BGPPeerConnectionTrap" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 1 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 0 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'BGP Peer Connection Established \nbgpPeerLastError = $1 \nbgpPeerState = $2'\ -D 'Node has established a connection with a BGP peer.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### BGP Backward Transition Trap #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "bgptraps" \ -l "BGPBackwardTransitionTrap" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 2 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 0 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'BGP Backward Transition \nbgpPeerLastError = $1 \nbgpPeerState = $2'\ -D 'A BGP peer connection has changed from the established state.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### MOS Memory Low Trap #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "ibmIROCtrapssys" \ -l "MOSMemoryLowTrap" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 1 \ -o A \ -S 4 \ -t 3 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'MOS Memory Low \nproResMemHeapTotal = $1 \nproResMemHeapNeverAlloc = $2'\ -D 'The node has entered a low memory condition.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### FR Received FECN Trap #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "ibmIROCtrapsfr" \ -l "FRReceivedFECNTrap" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 1 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 3 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'FR Received FECN \nfrCircuitIfIndex = $1 \nfrCircuitDlci = $2'\ -D 'Frame received on this VC indicating forward congestion.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### FR Received BECN Trap #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "ibmIROCtrapsfr" \ -l "FRReceivedBECNTrap" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 2 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 3 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'FR Received BECN \nfrCircuitIfIndex = $1 \nfrCircuitDlci = $2'\ -D 'Frame received on this VC indicating backward congestion.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### FR Received CLLM Trap #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "ibmIROCtrapsfr" \ -l "FRReceivedCLLMTrap" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 3 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 3 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'FR Received CLLM \nfrCLLMCauseIfIndex = $1 \nfrCLLMCauseCode = $2 \nfrCLLMDlciList = $3'\ -D 'CLLM message received from the network.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### IP Over ATM Duplicate IP Address Trap #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "ipoaNotifications" \ -l "IPOADuplicateAddress" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 2 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 0 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'IPOA Duplicate Addr \nipNetToMediaIfIndex = $1 \nipNetToMediaNetAddress = $2 \nipNetToMediaPhysAddress = $3 \nipNetToMediaPhysAddress = $4'\ -D 'Same IP address being associated with different ATM hardware addresses.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### IP Over ATM Logical IP Subnet Create Trap #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "ipoaNotifications" \ -l "IPOALISCreate" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 3 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 0 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'IPOA LIS Create \nipoaLisSubnetAddr = $1'\ -D 'New logicial IP subnet created.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### IP Over ATM Logical IP Subnet Delete Trap #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "ipoaNotifications" \ -l "IPOALISDelete" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 4 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 0 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'IPOA LIS Delete \nipoaLisSubnetAddr = $1'\ -D 'Existing logicial IP subnet deleted.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### DLSw TCP Connection Partner Reject Trap #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "dlswTraps" \ -l "TConnPartnerReject" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 1 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 0 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'TCP connection rejected for partner \ndlswTconnOperRemoteTAddr = $1'\ -D 'TCP connection to partner rejected.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### DLSw TCP Connection Protocol Violation Trap #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "dlswTraps" \ -l "TConnProtocolViolation" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 2 \ -o A \ -S 3 \ -t 0 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'TCP connection protocol violation for partner \ndlswTconnOperRemoteTAddr = $1'\ -D 'TCP connection to partner had protocol violation.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### DLSw TCP Connection Up Trap #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "dlswTraps" \ -l "TConnUp" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 3 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 2 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'TCP connection up with partner \ndlswTconnOperRemoteTAddr = $1'\ -D 'TCP connection to partner has entered connected state.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### DLSw TCP Connection Down Trap #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "dlswTraps" \ -l "TConnDown" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 4 \ -o A \ -S 4 \ -t 4 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'TCP connection disconnected with partner \ndlswTconnOperRemoteTAddr = $1'\ -D 'TCP connection to partner has entered disconnected state.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### DLSw Circuit Up Trap #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "dlswTraps" \ -l "CircuitUp" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 5 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 2 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'Circuit up with \ndlswCircuitS1MAC = $1 \ndlswCircuitS1Sap = $2 \ndlswCircuitS2MAC = $3 \ndlswCircuitS2Sap = $4'\ -D 'Circuit has entered connected state.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### DLSw Circuit Down Trap #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "dlswTraps" \ -l "CircuitDown" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 6 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 4 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'Circuit down with \ndlswCircuitS1MAC = $1 \ndlswCircuitS1Sap = $2 \ndlswCircuitS2MAC = $3 \ndlswCircuitS2Sap = $4'\ -D 'Circuit has entered disconnected state.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### Network Dispatcher High Avail Status Trap #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "dispatcherMIBTraps" \ -l "HighAvailStatus" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 1 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 0 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'Network dispatcher high availability status state has changed to \nhasState = $1'\ -D 'Network dispatcher high availability status state has changed.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### Network Dispatcher Server Gone Down Trap #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "dispatcherMIBTraps" \ -l "SrvrGoneDown" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 2 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 4 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'Network dispatcher detected server has gone down. Last known number of active connections was \nssActiveConns = $1'\ -D 'Network dispatcher detected server has gone down.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### Layer 2 Tunnel Start Trap #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "ibmIROCroutingl2t" \ -l "l2tTunnelStart" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 1 \ -o A \ -S 1 \ -t 2 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'A layer 2 tunnel has been initiated. \nl2tTunnelLocalTunnelControlId = $1 \nl2tTunnelType = $2'\ -D 'A layer 2 tunnel has been initiated.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### Layer 2 Tunnel Stop Trap #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "ibmIROCroutingl2t" \ -l "l2tTunnelStop" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 2 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 4 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'A layer 2 tunnel has terminated. \nl2tTunnelLocalTunnelControlId = $1 \nl2tTunnelType = $2 \nl2tTunnelUpTime = $3'\ -D 'A layer 2 tunnel has terminated.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### Layer 2 Tunnel Authentication Failure #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "ibmIROCroutingl2t" \ -l "l2tAuthFailTunnel" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 3 \ -o A \ -S 4 \ -t 4 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'A layer 2 tunnel was not created due to authentication failure. \nl2tAuthFailTunnelHostName = $1 \nl2tAuthFailTunnelIpAddress = $2'\ -D 'A layer 2 tunnel was not created due to authentication failure.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### Layer 2 User Authentication Failure #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "ibmIROCroutingl2t" \ -l "l2tAuthFailUser" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 4 \ -o A \ -S 4 \ -t 4 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'A session for a layer 2 tunnel was not created due to authentication failure. \nl2tAuthFailUserId = $1'\ -D 'A session for a layer 2 tunnel was not created due to authentication failure.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### IPSEC IKE Tunnel Start Trap #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "ibmIROCroutingIpSec" \ -l "ikeTunnelStart" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 1 \ -o A \ -S 1 \ -t 2 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'An IPSEC IKE Phase-1 tunnel has been initiated. \nikeTunnelIndex = $1 \nikeTunnelId = $2'\ -D 'An IPSEC IKE Phase-1 tunnel has been initiated.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### IPSEC IKE Tunnel Stop Trap #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "ibmIROCroutingIpSec" \ -l "ikeTunnelStop" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 2 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 4 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'An IPSEC IKE Phase-1 tunnel has terminated. \nikeTunnelIndex = $1 \nikeTunnelId = $2 \nikeTunnelActiveTime = $3'\ -D 'An IPSEC IKE Phase-1 tunnel has terminated.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### IPSEC Tunnel Start Trap #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "ibmIROCroutingIpSec" \ -l "ipSecTunnelStart" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 3 \ -o A \ -S 1 \ -t 2 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'An IPSEC Phase-2 tunnel has been initiated. \nipSecTunnelIndex = $1 \nipSecTunnelId = $2'\ -D 'An IPSEC Phase-2 tunnel has been initiated.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### IPSEC Tunnel Stop Trap #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "ibmIROCroutingIpSec" \ -l "ipSecTunnelStop" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 4 \ -o A \ -S 2 \ -t 4 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'An IPSEC Phase-2 tunnel has terminated. \nipSecTunnelIndex = $1 \nipSecTunnelId = $2 \nipSecTunnelActiveTime = $3'\ -D 'An IPSEC Phase-2 tunnel has terminated.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### IPSEC Auth Fail Trap #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "ibmIROCroutingIpSec" \ -l "ipSecAuthFail" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 5 \ -o A \ -S 4 \ -t 4 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'An IPSEC Phase-2 tunnel authentication failure has ocurred. \nipSecTunnelIndex = $1 \nipSecTunnelId = $2 \nipSecFailTime = $3 \nipSecFailPktSrcAddr = $4 \nipSecFailPktDstAddr = $5'\ -D 'An IPSEC Phase-2 tunnel authentication failure has ocurred.' ctr=$((( $ctr + 1 ))) echo "\n" ################### IPSEC Decrypt Fail Trap #################### /usr/OV/bin/addtrap -n "ibmIROCroutingIpSec" \ -l "ipSecDecryptFail" \ -i '' \ -g 6 \ -s 6 \ -o A \ -S 4 \ -t 4 \ -c "Status Events" \ -F 'An IPSEC Phase-2 tunnel descryptfailure has ocurred. \nipSecTunnelIndex = $1 \nipSecTunnelId = $2 \nipSecFailTime = $3 \nipSecFailPktSrcAddr = $4 \nipSecFailPktDstAddr = $5'\ -D 'An IPSEC Phase-2 tunnel decrypt failure has ocurred.' echo "\n"